
US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reaches Taiwan amid US-China conflict

Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan has angered Beijing (China), which considers Taiwan its part. He is viewing the US leader's visit to Taiwan as an attack on his sovereignty.

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Taipei: Tension between Beijing and Washington has escalated over the issue of US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan. US Air Force plane carrying Nancy Pelosi has reached Taiwan. Pelosi’s “potential” visit to Taiwan has angered Beijing (China), which considers Taiwan its part.

He is viewing the US leader’s visit to Taiwan as an attack on his sovereignty. China had warned that the US would face dire consequences if US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi traveled to Taiwan. China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman said that the US was taking such provocative steps that could increase tension in the Taiwan Straits. He has to take full responsibility for it.

The United States must take responsibility for this and pay the price for undermining China’s sovereignty and security interests.” According to reports, Nancy Pelosi had left for Taiwan via a US Air Force plane from Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. The US has also deployed four of its warships near Taiwan, amid warnings from China and alerting tank-surveillance aircraft. On the other hand, China had also conducted military exercises near its maritime border near Taiwan, but despite this exercise of showing strength, the visit of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives did not stop. Hundreds of Taiwanese citizens are also present to welcome Pelosi at the airport.

Taiwan has a different democratic system than China. The SPAR19 flight took off from Subang Airport in Kuala Lumpur at around 3.40 pm and headed east towards Borneo Island. It passed through Borneo Island near the Indonesian city of Manado, then turned north towards the Philippines.


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